IT and Property Tax Reform in the Province of Kasaï Central, DRC


LoGRI is collaborating with the University of California – Berkeley on a transformative property tax reform project in Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). After nearly a decade of facilitating smaller-scale reforms, our partners have been enlisted by the Provincial Minister of Finance to champion a comprehensive city-wide reform, which includes the adoption of a new IT system.

The reform program at the heart of this initiative leverages cutting-edge drone imagery for property mapping alongside a streamlined points-based valuation methodology. Our role encompasses providing expert technical guidance and financial resources to select and implement the most suitable IT solution sustainably. Additionally, we’re tasked with the design and execution of the reform strategies for improved property identification, valuation, and tax collection processes.

This collaboration will further enrich our efforts, as we work with the University of California – Berkeley team to carry out concurrent research and knowledge-sharing activities. Our collective goal is to support the DRC in developing a more efficient and effective property tax system that can serve as a model for innovation in fiscal reforms.

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Project Team

Technical Consultant

Adèle Somat

Technical Lead


Photo credit to Beyond Access

Xaver Schenker

Technical Consultant

Xaver is an independent technical expert who has been collaborating and leading on a variety of projects with LoGRI. After his MSc. in Economics at the Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, he worked at a Research and Knowledge Center for Development Economics on projects in Guinea-Bissau and Angola. Subsequently, Xaver joined ICTD and went on to lead the property tax reform in Freetown, Sierra Leone, while conducting a variety of other consultancies with regards to local government revenue reforms across the globe. In his role as an independent technical consultant he continues to collaborate with LoGRI and other stakeholders on a number of reform projects and other consultancies.


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Evan Trowbridge

Technical Lead

Evan advances LoGRI’s work through the collection, analysis, and management of data. Before joining the LoGRI team in Sierra Leone, he was the data manager at a local research organization. Evan’s prior experience includes four years of governance experience in Honduras, where he worked for USAID and a local NGO while also leading a small program for at-risk youth. His other work includes the International Innovation Corps and an association of philanthropic foundations. Evan has a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and undergraduate degrees from Penn State University.


Wilson Prichard


Dr Wilson Prichard is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and Department of Political Science, a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Executive Director of the ICTD and Chair of the LoGRI program. His research focuses on the political economy of tax reform in lower-income countries and the relationship between taxation and citizen demands for improved governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa.  He is the authors of Taxation, Responsiveness and Accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Dynamics of Tax Bargaining (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development (Zed Press, 2018) and Innovations in Tax Compliance: Building Trust, Navigating Politics and Tailoring Reform (World Bank, 2022), along with a range of academic articles.


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