Our Team


LoGRI’s leadership team, consisting of its Chair, Executive Director, and Program Director, sets and implements the initiative’s strategic vision with guidance from its Advisory Board. They also ensure professional due diligence over LoGRI’s operations, with oversight from the Munk School’s Director and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at the University of Toronto.

Based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, LoGRI is an initiative of the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD). As a research centre at the Munk School, it contributes to a vibrant intellectual environment while benefiting from the school’s operating procedures and tools, which include finance, legal, and human resources functions.

LoGRI is funded primarily by the French Treasury (Direction Générale du Trésor), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). LoGRI also receives project-specific funding from various other donors, including Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Our Team

Executive Director

Program Director

Policy Lead

Financial Officer

Program and Research Intern

Research Officer

Research Lead

Doctoral Fellow


Grants Administrator

Technical Consultant

Communications and Events Officer

Doctoral Fellow

Doctoral Fellow

Technical Lead

Advisory Board

Professor of Urban Studies and International Development at the University of Sheffield

Independent Urban Economist

Associate Professor of Public Economics in the Department of Economics and the Head of the Public Policy Hub (PPH) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa

Independent Expert in Management, Development Solutions and Governance

Assistant Director in the Department of Partnerships and Shared Prosperity and heads the Section for Governance and Transparency at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)

Head of the Official Development Assistance Office at the French Treasury

Photo credit to Joshua Hanson

Titilola Akindeinde

Executive Director

Dr. Titilola Akindeinde has over 20 years of experience in Economic Policy and Strategy in the UK and Nigeria. She has a proven track record as a UK government economist, a consultant providing technical support to the Government of Nigeria, and as Team Leader/Programme Manager implementing FCDO funded Policy Development Facility (PDF) programmes, where she demonstrated success in leadership, programme management, strategic thinking and engagement, analytical decision making, economic analysis, and policy and strategy development. She has led teams and consultants in economic and governmental interventions and communicated the results effectively to various stakeholders and audiences. Dr. Akindeinde has a highly developed political awareness, understanding of economic policies and growth, and wide-reaching networks through her experience working at a high level within government. This awareness underscores her ability to use political judgement and sensitivity in managing relationships with senior government and private sector actors as evidenced in her leadership of PDF.


Moyo Arewa

Program Director

Moyo is a researcher, policy professional, and program manager currently serving as the Program Director for the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI). In this capacity, he oversees all aspects of LoGRI’s research and advisory operations and provides strategic support to LoGRI’s Executive Director and Chair. He was previously the Manager for Strategic Initiatives at the International Centre for Tax and Development and, before then, a Policy Development Officer at the City of Toronto. His research has focused on understanding how digital technologies impact tax policy, administration, and public service delivery. He has a wealth of experience using his management, engagement, and research skills to address policy, governance, and administrative challenges. Moyo received his master’s degree from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.


Camille Barras

Policy Lead

Camille Barras is the Policy Lead for the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI). Her areas of work and interest encompass public governance and administration, subnational governance, intergovernmental relations and state-society relations – and their connection with taxation. She is also interested in questions related to the effectiveness and evolution of international development as a field, in evidence generation and uptake as well as in research methods (quantitative, mixed, evaluation). She completed, in 2023, a PhD at the University of Cambridge, investigating the effects of decentralization on political attitudes and behaviours, and holds academic qualifications in political science, public policy and law. Previously, she worked during seven years at the intersection of practice and research, mainly in the international development sector across a variety of organizations and projects in West/North Africa, South/East Asia and Europe. Among others, she worked for a local governance project at UNDP, was a project manager for impact evaluations at the Center for Evaluation and Development and consulted for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.


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Fahmida Hoque

Financial Officer

Fahmida Hoque has been supporting with financial operations for the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI) since June 2024. She is also a Financial and Grants Officer at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, where she has been working with the Director and Manager of PEARL (the Policy, Elections, and Representation Lab) administering accounting and financial operations. In her role, she assists with managing grant budgets, tracking funds, and conducting financial reporting and analysis. 

Regan McCort

Program and Research Intern

Regan McCort is pursuing a Masters of Global Affairs at the Munk School with an emphasis in Human Rights and Global Justice. She also holds a Bachelors of Arts specializing in International Relations from the University of Western Ontario. She’s interested in exploring the intersections between taxation, gender, and subnational governance through her work with LoGRI. 

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Marie-Reine Mukazayire

Research Officer

Marie-Reine is a Research Officer at the Local Government Revenue Initiative, where she focuses on property taxation reforms in francophone African countries such as Benin, Ivory Coast, and Senegal. She holds a Master’s of Global Affairs from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, specializing in Development and Human Rights, and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of British Columbia. Marie-Reine has a strong academic and professional background in equitable and inclusive governance in sub-Saharan Africa, with experience in qualitative research, stakeholder engagement, and project management. 


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Colette Nyirakamana

Research Lead

Dr. Colette Nyirakamana is Research Lead for the LoGRI program, and Senior Research Associate at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining LoGRI, Colette worked as program lead of the African Property Tax Initiative  (APTI) at the International Centre for Tax and Development, where she was in charge of supporting APTI-funded researchers, leading research projects, engaging with key stakeholders and advising governments in the design of property tax reform efforts. Her research focuses on local finances with particular emphasis on the institutional and political factors that create favourable and unfavourable conditions for effective revenue mobilization. She holds a doctoral degree in Comparative Public Policy from McMaster University in Canada


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Nicolas Orgeira Pillai

Doctoral Fellow

Nicolas Orgeira Pillai is a Doctoral Fellow with LoGRI. His research focuses on local revenue mobilisation, with a particular interest in property taxation and tax compliance. Through the use of impact evaluation approaches and quantitative analysis, his work aims to support tax administrations in implementing state-building tax reforms that improves governance and the relationship between the government and the citizens. His projects also relate to tax administration, gender and taxation, and the informal economy. He holds a master’s in economics at the University of Toronto and is a doctoral candidate in Economics at the University of Sussex.


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Wilson Prichard


Dr Wilson Prichard is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and Department of Political Science, a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Executive Director of the ICTD and Chair of the LoGRI program. His research focuses on the political economy of tax reform in lower-income countries and the relationship between taxation and citizen demands for improved governance in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa.  He is the authors of Taxation, Responsiveness and Accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Dynamics of Tax Bargaining (Cambridge University Press, 2015), Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development (Zed Press, 2018) and Innovations in Tax Compliance: Building Trust, Navigating Politics and Tailoring Reform (World Bank, 2022), along with a range of academic articles.


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Henna Qayumi

Grants Administrator

Henna is currently a Grants Administrator at the University of Toronto. She has a strong background in financial management and previously served as a Financial Officer, overseeing day-to-day processes, forecasts, and budgeting.

Xaver Schenker

Technical Consultant

Xaver is an independent technical expert who has been collaborating and leading on a variety of projects with LoGRI. After his MSc. in Economics at the Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, he worked at a Research and Knowledge Center for Development Economics on projects in Guinea-Bissau and Angola. Subsequently, Xaver joined ICTD and went on to lead the property tax reform in Freetown, Sierra Leone, while conducting a variety of other consultancies with regards to local government revenue reforms across the globe. In his role as an independent technical consultant he continues to collaborate with LoGRI and other stakeholders on a number of reform projects and other consultancies.


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Priyanka Shah

Communications and Events Officer

Priyanka is the Communications and Events Officer for the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI). In her current role, she is responsible for developing LoGRI’s engagement with external stakeholders, as well as managing its communications, events, outreach, and knowledge translation mandate. With over five years of experience in the international development sector, Priyanka has held a variety of roles across communications, knowledge management, advocacy, and research. Prior to joining LoGRI, she worked with Health Systems Global (HSG), where she managed the their communications portfolio and played a key role in delivering the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2022) in Bogota, Colombia. She has extensive experience working with grassroots and global organizations in grants funded by the BMGF, USAID, and the WHO. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the University of Delhi, and a Master’s degree in Conflict, Security, and Development from the University of Sussex.

Sripriya Iyengar Srivatsa

Doctoral Fellow

Sripriya Iyengar Srivatsa is the Thematic Focal Point for Gender and Tax at the ICTD and a Doctoral Fellow at LoGRI. She is pursuing her PhD at University of Cambridge. Her research areas include political economy, state capacity, and gender, with a geographical focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Combining observational data and experimental methods, she specialises in analysing the roles of competing political institutions, state-society-land relations, and connections between intra-household dynamics and socioeconomic outcomes. She was an ODI Fellow at the Ministry of Finance in Sierra Leone from 2019-2021. She obtained her Master’s in Political Economy from SOAS, University of London. 


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Graeme Stewart-Wilson

Doctoral Fellow

Evan Trowbridge

Technical Lead

Evan advances LoGRI’s work through the collection, analysis, and management of data. Before joining the LoGRI team in Sierra Leone, he was the data manager at a local research organization. Evan’s prior experience includes four years of governance experience in Honduras, where he worked for USAID and a local NGO while also leading a small program for at-risk youth. His other work includes the International Innovation Corps and an association of philanthropic foundations. Evan has a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and undergraduate degrees from Penn State University.


Tom Goodfellow

Professor of Urban Studies and International Development at the University of Sheffield

Tom Goodfellow is Professor of Urban Studies and International Development at the University of Sheffield. He is an urban development specialist with 15 years’ experience in the fields of urban political economy analysis and comparative research on land governance, local taxation, planning, transport provision, infrastructure and housing, and institutional change. He has particular interests in the political economy of land and property development in African cities, and how these relate to property taxation and land value capture. Country research experience includes Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Astrid Hass

Independent Urban Economist

Astrid is an independent urban economist working across research and practice, supporting cities in Africa, the Middle East and Asia with questions of strategy related to financing and funding. She also has appointments as an Adjunct Professor at the School of Cities, University of Toronto; Research Associate at the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town and OSI; as well as an Extraordinary Lecturer at the African Tax Institute, University of Pretoria. She holds an MSc in Public Financial Management from SOAS, University of London and an MA in International Economics and International Development from Johns Hopkins University.

Nara Monkam

Associate Professor of Public Economics in the Department of Economics and the Head of the Public Policy Hub (PPH) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa

Nara Monkam is an Associate Professor of Public Economics in the Department of Economics and the Head of the Public Policy Hub (PPH) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Prior to that, she was the Director of Research at the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) where she executed the organisation’s research agenda to guide African tax policy and reforms and managed relationships with member countries and donors. She was also a member of the Davis Tax Committee aimed at reassessing the South African tax system.

In addition to teaching and research in public economics in general and taxation in particular, Nara Monkam is responsible for establishing and leading the Public Policy Hub at the University of Pretoria which aims at positioning UP as a knowledge intermediary, fostering a greater adoption of sustainable, evidence-based public policies in Africa by promoting collaboration between academic research and government public policy through the co-creation of transdisciplinary and policy-relevant research for better development outcomes in Africa. Through this seminal initiative, the University of Pretoria seeks to ensure that its cutting-edge research translates into progressive policies, solutions and innovations that will advance society.

Nara Monkam holds a PhD degree in Economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University in Atlanta (USA) and both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from the University of Namur in Belgium. Her areas of expertise and research interests center mainly on domestic resource mobilization, tax policy and tax administration, intergovernmental fiscal relations, and property taxation reforms.

Honoré Ndoko

Independent Expert in Management, Development Solutions and Governance

Honoré Ndoko is a distinguished independent expert in management, development solutions and governance. He retired as Chief Administrative Officer from the World Bank, the global premier sovereign lender in December 2021. He was specialized in designing and supporting sovereign and sub sovereign lending and knowledge development packages with robust fiduciary and integrity assurance mechanisms. Over more than twenty years he extensively oversaw frontline single and multi-country programs in Europe, Central Asia, East Asia and the Pacific countries, South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, leading large global teams. Prior to the World Bank his experience includes fourteen years in executive and leadership positions in the International Labor Office (ILO). He is actively involved in non-executive boards in private, public, academia and multilateral organizations. He is respected as a credible voice in complex negotiations, strategic decision making, risk management, strategic financing solutions, internal controls, fraud prevention, governance and oversight boundaries, modernization, and digital moonshot transformation. He is active in advisory and executive boards and has chaired UN Oversight and Audit Committees including UNHCR-IAOC and ITU-IMAC.

He holds a doctoral level French Agrégation in Economics and Management and a Master and postgraduate in Economics. He also holds “Expertise Comptable” certificates with a focus on audit, taxation and systems. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and continues to lecture in several universities around the World.

Toril-Iren Pedersen

Assistant Director in the Department of Partnerships and Shared Prosperity and heads the Section for Governance and Transparency at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)

Toril-Iren Pedersen is Assistant Director in the Department of Partnerships and Shared Prosperity and heads the Section for Governance and Transparency at the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). She was formerly the Policy Director for the Tax and Development within the same agency. Prior to joining Norad she worked at the UN, focusing on a range of governance and public management issues including support to local governments, expenditure and revenue management, land governance and gender in public administrations.

Clarisse Senaya

Head of the Official Development Assistance Office at the French Treasury

Clarisse Senaya is Head of the Official Development Assistance Office at the French Treasury within the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty since September 2023. LLM graduate in international law and international commercial law, Clarisse Senaya joined the French Treasury in 2012 where she specialized in international economic, trade and financial relations (notably at the Office in charge of the fight against financial crime and international sanctions, at the Office in charge of trade policy, at the Office in charge of bilateral economic relations and European financial instruments). She also worked as Economic Attaché, Head of the sectoral policies section, at the French Embassy in Canada.