While property taxation constitutes a major revenue source for subnational governments, it remains one of the most underperforming in lower-income countries. This is but one example of how, in many countries, subnational governments’ revenue-raising efforts are frequently ineffective, inequitable, and unaccountable – particularly when it comes to property taxation. Ensuing results threaten countries’ ability to meet urgent spending needs and priorities.
Against this backdrop, the Addis Tax Initiative and the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI) hosted a series of workshops that provided a space for exchange and hands-on advice on the design of property taxation policies.
The four workshops focused on:
- Discussing strategies for cost-effective property valuation systems
- Re-thinking property identification and registration for taxation purposes
- Strategies for Cost-Effective Property Valuation Systems
- Re-Thinking Property Identification and Registration for Taxation Purposes
The first two workshops in the series were held online on March 22 and March 23, 2023, and the final two were held on July 19 and July 20, 2023.
Hosted by:
The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI), in partnership with the Local Government Revenue Initiative (LoGRI)
Related Works

Programme: ATI-LoGRI Workshop Series: Policy Design for Effective Property Taxation
Related Material
The workshops were conducted on Microsoft Teams with simultaneous interpretation from English into French and Spanish.

Workshop 1 Factsheet: Strategies for Cost-Effective Property Valuation Systems

Workshop 2 Factsheet: Rethinking Property Identification and Registration
for Tax Purposes

Workshop 3 Factsheet: Effective Information Technology Systems for Property Tax Administration